What services do we offer?
We are a specialist basement company that can provide a service to design and install waterproofing systems or carry out full basement conversions.
Are we insured?
View our insurance information
How do I obtain an estimate?
We can make an appointment to visit the property or site with a view to forwarding an estimate by email.
Do I require planning permission?
Some projects require planning permission, particularly if the external appearance of the property is to change. However, dependant on the clients requirements planning may not always be required and a building notice submission may suffice.
Can my neighbours object?
The majority of properties will require some form of party wall agreement where neighbours concerns can be addressed during this process. The Party Wall Act provides a positive framework for the resolution of neighbour related construction issues. It does not however prevent the formation of a basement at your home.
Do I need to vacate during the period of works?
This depends on the type of project and the extent of works. Under normal circumstances it is not necessary to vacate the property. Access can usually be gained straight into the basement via lightwells at either the front or rear of the property without the need to access via the clients living space.
Will my foundations require underpinning?
To achieve a satisfactory height underpinning is sometimes required if the existing foundations are too shallow. The foundations of the building will be considerably strengthened as a result.
If you already have the necessary head height then underpinning will not be required but the required floor build up will need to be compensated for when calculating the final achieved height.
These are available on request.